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Inspiration and Motivation for Weight Watchers Members

I can still remember the day when I reached my goal weight. After I stepped on the scales at my Weight Watchers meeting I jumped up and down and hugged my leader. Afterwards, I cried big tears of joy as I drove myself home. It was the first time in my life when I was actually a thin person!

Becoming thin was a dream come true. I have been overweight ever since I was a small child. Family members called me "pleasingly plump" or "chubby." Kids at school weren't so kind. I can still remember the feelings of rejection as the kids called me cruel names. I like to say that God has a sense of humor because not only was I overweight, but I had red hair, freckles, and glasses as well! I didn't stand a chance at school.

I started dieting as a junior high student and have lost hundreds of pounds over the years. But I always gained it back and felt more miserable and out of place than ever.

But then as an adult I discovered Weight Watchers. I loved the vibrance of my leader and everything she taught made perfect sense! I started exercising and eating healthy and lost over 20 pounds! However I didn't make it to my goal that time- instead I became pregnant with my first child. That was the end of Weight Watchers for a while.

After the birth of my third child I was over 70 pounds overweight. At 5'5" and close to 200 pounds, I was at the heaviest I had ever been! I tried losing weight on my own and succeeded at losing some weight. But then it started creeping back. I knew it was time to go back to Weight Watchers. And this time, I was determined to lose all the weight no matter how long it took.

It took a while to lose the weight. There were up days and down days, but I stuck to it. And after a while, I finally realized my dream of becoming a thin person! I couldn't believe it! I had lost 42 pounds, become a Lifetime Member and a Weight Watchers Leader as well!

I like to compare weight loss to the stock market. If you want to make a profit, you've got to stay involved for the long haul. On any given day the stock market can go up or down, regardless of what you do. But over the long run, in spite of the ups and downs, the stock market has been very profitable.

The same can be said for your weight loss program. If you're only in it for the short time, you're going to be very dissappointed. Because just like the stockmarket, the scale has its ups and downs. But if you stick with it for the long haul, you'll eventually make it to your goal and become a winner!

"You always pass failure on your way to success."
                        -Mickey Rooney

Click below to see my "Before" picture.


The purpose of this web site is to support and encourage Weight Watchers members or anyone else who has embarked on a weight loss program.

It is not my intent to reinvent the wheel- so to speak. There are many great weight loss sites out there and I have provided links to them on this site. My distinction is that I offer caring personal and individual support to those who desire.  If you have questions, or need some advice or encouragement, send me a note.  I would love to hear from you!
You CAN reach your goals!

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The POINTS Weight Loss System and materials are proprietary to Weight Watchers International, Inc. and are licensed to WEIGHT WATCHERS members solely for their own personal use in losing and controlling their weight. The information provided on these pages are not used to substitute for Weight Watchers Membership.
Please call 1-800-651-6000 for a meeting in your area.

Copyright 2001-2004, Wendy N. Kenney
All rights reserved.
